I thought now would be the time to update you on my friend, who got in a serious accident a month ago.
I went to visit her with a group of friends. I wasn’t sure what to expect. After all, this was my first time visiting someone in the hospital who I cared about. Nevertheless, I entered the room, and there she was. She seemed very cheerful, yet underneath that I could see the pain that she experienced since the day of the accident.
I had no idea how to comfort her other than doing what I did best when she was in my class: make her laugh. Going to visit someone in the hospital is one of those things that I don’t feel comfortable with. I mean, I loved seeing that she was her regular self, but I couldn’t help but feel for her pain. The whole time, I was thinking, she shouldn’t be in this position. I wished I could have taken her place in the accident. I felt morosed. A bittersweet moment.
However, if there was one thing I could take from this visit, was the fact that you can always find hope in anything and everywhere you go. Seeing her laugh and make funny jokes made my day. She was smiling at the world.
Michelle Mondelli
Great Post! Thanks for sharing the news and story. Loved the emotion and perspective. Glad to hear more healing is happening. God is so good.