Friday, August 12, 2011

Thursday, 11:45pm

It was an interesting day, full of ups and downs. Not only did the fever wars continue (although at a lower temperature), the girls began another competition which we'll talk about later.

Brittany had the left chest tube removed.  She reacted in a way that caused the doctor to exclaim, "Fabulous!"  It is a good sign.  Later in the day, she began coughing  more and more.  She made it plain she didn't like to be suctioned.  She flailed her arm and even pulled out of the restraint it was in! Our ornery Brittany was showing!  So ornery that when the Respiratory Therapist was called to help bring Erika back to her room, he had to call someone else.  Brittany wasn't done with him yet!

Erika's surgery went well. We need to pray for infections to stay away. 

Over the next couple of days, the doctor want to wean the girls off of the sedation.  They will have their good hours and bad.  Improvements will be made in small increments. Please continue praying.  Good nights.

Michelle Mondelli


  1. So happy for the improvements. The girls and families are all in our thoughts and prayers

  2. AWESOME NEWS!! It is such a blessing to see some progress from the girls, every little bit is an encouragement to us all! Praise GOD for answered prayers. LORD willing we will soon see them come out of their sleep.

  3. Glad to hear the girls are doing well! Praises! We have been praying continually for all of you and ask God daily for healing and grace. May He strengthen each of you with His great Spirit.

    Love, the Boswells
