Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saturday, 11pm

We are still estatic over Brittany's earlier developments!  We know there will be set backs but we are encouraged.  Brittany's voice is soft and hoarse from all the tubes and so it's hard for her to communicate.  It's frustrating for all involved.  When it's very important to her, she makes her point across.  When Jennifer and Don told Brittany they were heading back their room to get some sleep, Brittany said, "Can I go with you?"  She's already to leave!

Amid all the excitement this morning, we neglected to tell you all that Erika had one of her chest tubes pulled out.  They have begun to suction her lungs and it is very painful for her.  She responds when they suction by making a face and squeezing Jennifer's hand tightly.  This is a good sign.  She will be on the ventilator for at least 2 or 3 more days, maybe longer.

The day was full of visitors.  Roxanne Stickel made a surprise visit to support the family and see the girls.  Tara, a nurse who happened upon the accident scene, also stopped by.  The Mortons, passing through on their move from Fairbanks to Kenai, stopped by for a few minutes.  We wish them the very best in their new adventure.

Michelle Mondelli
(in Fairbanks)

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