Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday, 12:30pm

There is good news already today!  Erika had her last chest tube and catheter taken out.  Jennifer asked for prayers because Erika is "fiesty" today.  Pray for patience and wisdom for everyone interacting with the girls.

The work for Brittany is just beginning:  the physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, neurologist, and the rehabililitation specialist are all coming to see her.

Brittany would appreciate recieving messages on Facebook.  She is not able to comment, yet.

Brittany was allowed a short visit with Erika this morning.  It was very emotional.  Brittany told Erika she was "beautiful", she loved her, and she was proud of her family.

Please pray for the pyschological health of all the kids involved.  Erika was able to write and ask, "Why did this happen?"  I'm sure the others are feeling the same way. 

Michelle Mondelli
(in Fairbanks)


  1. Keep up the good work Girls! Lots of prayers from the Grimes Family, we are following your recoveries closely, and are wishing all of you the best!

  2. Even a little progress is great but it sounds like it was a big day already. Praise God that the girls were able to see each other today.
    Give both girls a hug for me. love you all, Janet
